Love is in the air...:)

Love is in the air...:)

Daddy: A loving Tribute

Daddy: A loving Tribute
Fishing Buddies..Ben and Dad doing what they do best..:)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

This thing is shaping up!

What work!! Making a blog is little harder than I thought..especially with all the coding..etc..but I finally have a good start on it! I love this blog..The Cutest little blogs ( I have a credit on the top corner of this page)..they have the cutest layouts..and it's all FREE!! I chose the spring layout..I LOVE the colors!

Today is the Sabbath day. I'm getting ready to shower and gather my things. I teach the CTR4 class and I LOVE it! Despite what my doctor recommends..I know this calling is a blessing for me and my family. I find such peace and joy being with these children each week...and I know I learn much more from them than I am able to teach them.I Couldn't do it without Gary, though. He is my right arm in there! I think it does bring us closer together, too

The kids have been sick...Julia the worst right now. Emily's nose is a mess!! They all have Doctor's appointments hopefully I can get everyone well. Chris moved out today (Gary's 4th born from his first marriage) We didn't know where or when he was going until just this morning. I know it hurt Gary deeply. I think even men have this feeling of failure when it comes to parenting. They may not show it the way we do, but I can tell he has these feelings. Now we have three at home! I guess I should be happy and grateful..but I already am missing the days when the house was nosier, and the hugs were more abundant. This is a new phase of life that Gary and I are entering..a new beginning..

Saturday, February 27, 2010