Love is in the air...:)

Love is in the air...:)

Daddy: A loving Tribute

Daddy: A loving Tribute
Fishing Buddies..Ben and Dad doing what they do best..:)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Merry Christmas!'s that special time of year that I love the very most. The time when the world seems all at peace..and people are a little kinder to one another. Christmas has always been my favorite, even as a was like pure magic..the tree..the lights..the music..and the FOOD! (I've already started my holiday baking, I'm happy to report!) This will be my first Christmas without my Daddy..which makes me a little sad. I'm still taking it one day at a time. God's tender mercies have seen me through this, and will continue to. Our family had a fun tree trimming party the other night that really lifted my spirits! I have to say..our tree is the prettiest EVER! I'm posting a few photos of us having fun as a family. God bless all my friends during this Holiday to you all! Here's hoping for a year of peace and prosperity in the year ahead...:)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Since my last post..which has been some time now, I have said goodbye to someone very near, and very dear to me. On September 10, 2010, My sweet father, Richard Ervin Plymale, went home to be with Jesus and his family before him. It was was quick. I'm still walking around in shock, and it's almost two months now since his death. I don't think I've completely adjusted to life without him, to tell you the truth, I don't think I ever will. He was my mother, my father, my mentor...a teacher, a friend...he was my everything. Without the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I would have never made it this far. My grief would have all but consumed me. But The Savior's love...God's promise of eternal life..this is what keeps me going. It brings me peace. I have been so blessed to have had such a wonderful father..and though this year's Thanksgiving will be hard..I know my Dad's spirit will be with us all. I will be posting a few photos to share with you..and I'm hopfully I can post a full tribute here eventually. Happy memories and love fill my heart whenever I look at his you Daddy...Miss you so much!!! oxoxoxox

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pioneer Trek, and other family updates..:)

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything on this blog..reason being..we have moved into a new home (apartment home), and we are LOVIN IT! No Maintance, a pool, fitness and buisness center, and tons of other amenities! It's great not worrying about keeping up a big place..and it's so beautiful here! As you can see..I've posted a picture of on the 2010 Pioneer Trek. The Trek was a wonderful opportunity for the youth of our church to have an experience similar to what the first pioneers had..only on a tiny scale. For three days, these young men and women dressed, ate, traveled and literally LIVED like real Mormon pioneers! Though they came back filthy and tired, they both had such wonderful, spirtual experinces..of which I'm so glad to report, came right into our home afterward. I'm going to post many more picutres soon, right at this moment, I can't find them on my computer for some reason? The big wedding is this week..Bella aned Adam are having their big ceramony in St. Petersburg this Thrusday, and the girls, Julia and Emily, leave for Navuoo on another one week, spiritual journey with the young women. I'll be blogging about these events in the weeks to come. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A New Member of The Nevins Family!!

I am SO excited to blog about the newest member of our ever growing family!! Eybelle Maria Vega Rosario Nevins joined our family officially just two short weeks ago, in a small ceremony at our Kissimmee Chapel. The Service was performed by Bishop Carlos Torres, and was attended by close family members and a few close friends from our ward. Sister Joanne Wettingfeld made two beautiful cakes for us to enjoy afterwards, and Sister Bonnie Torres, and Sister Cheyenne Seidel helped decorate and serve light refreshment afterwards! I am so thankful for these incredible sisters!! Now..the big wedding will be in July, at a beautiful beach front hotel in St. Petersburg. The actual wedding will be on the beach, in fact!! It should be really beautiful! Bella is a wonderful daughter-in-law, and we are thrilled to have her in our family. I'm posting a few photos of the little wedding here on my blog for you to see..enjoy!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Family and Friends make life worth while!

Well, our family has been visiting with our family from West Virgina! My brother, Rick, and his beautiful family came down to see his youngest daughter, Bethany, march in a parade at Disney World with her High School Band! They were AWESOME! Ben, Emily and I played hooky from the days responsibilities and just had fun! I got to meet my two FAVORITE Disney characters, Woody and Jessie...and as you can see..I even got a photo with them!! After a fun filled day on the park, we went a five-star restaurant for dinner, which was unreal!! I can't tell you how much fun it was to see the family..and how much I miss them. My brother is one of the most kindest, sweetest people I know, and I am so very proud to be his sister!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Still at it!

After ALOT of sickness in our household..I haven't been able to really work on this blog much. It started with Emily..then Gary..Ben next and me last of all..(Asthma is SO much fun!) Anyway..feeling much better I changed things around AGAIN! This time..I used a site called cookienut creations. They also have really nice free backgrounds. a work in progress. I still have a LONG way to go. I hope to have some good stuff on this blog, to help other women, like myself, who suffer with Clinical depression, better understand what they are going through, where to get help and how to help others understand what this is all about. I really want to do other fun things here too....Spiritual thoughts, recipes, scrapbook ideas, Primary lesson helps...lots and lots more. I guess I just want this blog to be a hodgepodge of a lot things..which I have just fine! I'll be posting links to some of my favorite sites and blogs for LDS helps..and hopefully a few mental health links too..for those in need. In the mean time..I'm off to fix this crazy pink pop-up player...ugh.."lol"

Sunday, February 28, 2010

This thing is shaping up!

What work!! Making a blog is little harder than I thought..especially with all the coding..etc..but I finally have a good start on it! I love this blog..The Cutest little blogs ( I have a credit on the top corner of this page)..they have the cutest layouts..and it's all FREE!! I chose the spring layout..I LOVE the colors!

Today is the Sabbath day. I'm getting ready to shower and gather my things. I teach the CTR4 class and I LOVE it! Despite what my doctor recommends..I know this calling is a blessing for me and my family. I find such peace and joy being with these children each week...and I know I learn much more from them than I am able to teach them.I Couldn't do it without Gary, though. He is my right arm in there! I think it does bring us closer together, too

The kids have been sick...Julia the worst right now. Emily's nose is a mess!! They all have Doctor's appointments hopefully I can get everyone well. Chris moved out today (Gary's 4th born from his first marriage) We didn't know where or when he was going until just this morning. I know it hurt Gary deeply. I think even men have this feeling of failure when it comes to parenting. They may not show it the way we do, but I can tell he has these feelings. Now we have three at home! I guess I should be happy and grateful..but I already am missing the days when the house was nosier, and the hugs were more abundant. This is a new phase of life that Gary and I are entering..a new beginning..

Saturday, February 27, 2010